

by 安吉拉Valden

火博体育的 Wyckoff中心, a gathering space on campus that centers diversity, equity, and inclusion, has a 新主任玛丽埃尔·马丁是火博体育社区一些人熟悉的面孔 who know Martin through their years of impactful service to Skidmore, its students, 教职员工和DEI工作.

Having served in key roles in the Office of Student 多样性计划 (now the Office (学生多样性和包容性)以及学院的学生事务 和火博体育有如此紧密的联系,”马丁说. 

马丁坐了下来,对威科夫中心即将发生的事情重新感到兴奋 with us to share their hopes and highly collaborative vision for the space and its 编程. 

Q. 你的背景和经历是什么?

My interest in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work, specifically thinking about it in higher education, began as a student leader in undergrad, working in multicultural 学生事务. 我是教育学专业的学生,我对DEI想了很多 classroom, particularly about student identities and how we allow for the whole student 存在于学术空间中. 在研究生院,我专注于教育社会学 和教育政策,仍然在思考课堂上的DEI.  

I came to Skidmore in 2005 in the Office of 住宅生活 as a hall director, overseeing 宿舍和宿舍助理. 2007年,我成为了现在的主管 the Office of 学生多样性和包容性 (OSDI), and in 2015, I was promoted again to the associate dean role in 学生事务 for Campus Life and Engagement, overseeing the offices of Community Service, Student 多样性计划, 领导 活动、宗教和精神生活.

I’ve dedicated my career to creating inclusive campus spaces, whether it’s through 字面上的空格或政策和实践. 确保校园里的人都被看到 valued 和支持ed for thriving in excellence in their education – I think it’s 机构的关键部分. 


作为 Wyckoff中心, which is out of the Office of Institutional Diversity and the President’s Office, 我支持学院的各个方面,当然主要是支持学生.

首先,我管理这个美丽空间的日常运营. So 那就是管理设施,保留它,和规划. 正确的 now, my focus is around visibility, transparency, and access – how people can find out what the space is, who it’s for, and what opportunities for collaboration exist.

I really want to partner with offices, departments, programs, and academic and student 要考虑编程的可能性. 当然已经有了能量 人们想在太空中做什么,我很期待. 

在It 8活动中,“与院长一起吃披萨”

学院院长兼学术事务副校长多萝西·E. 处于,院长 of Students and Vice President for 学生事务 Adrian Bautista, and 学生会 Association Vice President Apple Alvarez ’24 engage in a discussion during an 在这 4月在威科夫中心举行的8号活动.

我还帮助协调年度 在这 program – the suite of diversity and inclusion programs that are about raising cultural 流利和加强社区,特别是在DEI周围. 9 将于9月11日举行. 今秋20-25岁. I’ll also oversee 标明; next year 这将是我们第三年举办了吗 标明, which is usually on Valentine’s Day and is really focused on inclusion, healing, 和支持. 这是一个很棒的校园合作活动,很快就会变得 一个传统. 

The Skidmore 社区 gathers to celebrate love in all its forms during 标明2024年在威科夫中心举行.

The Skidmore 社区 gathers to celebrate love in all its forms during 标明 2024年在威科夫中心举行.

我也会协助 种族正义倡议 out of the President’s Office, which is about really supporting efforts and initiatives that address racial inequalities, and I work with Joshua Woodfork, the VP for strategic planning and institutional diversity, to think about campus-wide efforts around DEI 以及政策、实践和程序. 我还将通过不同的委员会开展工作.


从2005年开始,我就和这个机构有很深的渊源. 我知道 many of the challenges and opportunities, I have such a connection to so many students – there are hundreds of alums who I’ve worked with who were either student leaders 或者我的学生助理,或者我在课堂上教书. 我一直希望我有 gone to a liberal arts school as an undergrad, so here I get to work at a liberal 艺术学校,真是个礼物.

当成为威科夫中心主任的机会来临时,我感觉真的 right because I’ve been part of conversations about the creation of a social justice 自2012年以来,该校一直以DEI为中心. 然后,当这个想法被付诸实践 motion in 2017 and 2018, I worked closely with so many members of the 社区 to 举办焦点小组和对话,讨论这个空间可能是什么样子.

"I have a really strong connection to wanting to see this space live into what we 所希望的. 我真的很荣幸能帮助创造一个交流的空间 DEI周围的人和社区成员."


I think it’s so meaningful because it’s rooted in my personal journey and experiences 在我不同的岗位上和这么多的学生、教职员工一起工作. 
I’ve worked with students 和支持ed colleagues and their work, seeing the need for opportunities, support, affinity for folks, specifically with marginalized and 未被充分代表的身份. 我很感激机构有专门的空间 致力于此,或职位. 以前,当我在学生多样性项目工作时 作为学生社团的顾问,我在这项工作中支持了很多学生 through challenges and successes, both academically and in their personal lives, so 我认为这是它的延续. 

Members of the Skidmore 社区 gathered in the Wyckoff中心 in June 2023 for 骄傲月小组讨论“对话中的酷儿”.”

Members of the Skidmore 社区 gathered in the Wyckoff中心 in June 2023 for 骄傲月小组讨论“对话中的酷儿”.”


My vision is to co-create a vibrant space on campus for students, faculty, staff, 校友——火博体育社区的影响范围相当广泛. 我总是认为 火博体育学生,但这是一个泛机构的问题. 我们共同创造了一个对话的空间 以及真正以DEI和归属感为中心的项目和活动. 
I’m thoughtful about my vision because it’s not just mine – it has to belong to the 社区. 它必须是协作的. 我会和学生助理一起工作,不一样 办公室,部门和项目,以及通过许多想法进行思考.


我养鸡,它们对我来说是一种治疗. 我发现他们的滑稽动作和 他们的好奇和愚蠢是非常有趣的,这几乎是冥想 在我的鸡身边. 我非常爱他们.

我还有一只狗,她的名字叫裘德,她是一只退休的治疗犬. 她工作 in the Wellness Center on campus for about five years, so she also has a strong Skidmore connection; she even has her own Skidmore ID. 裘德是一只获救的拉萨阿普索腊肠犬 mix and she’s the sweetest thing and has supported many a student, and even some staff 和同事们一起度过这学期的紧张时期. 她甚至在 大流行的虚拟治疗犬小时.

是的,我喜欢动物. 鸡和我的裘德让我脚踏实地,给我一些空间 来解压.


我想我对这个问题的回答一直在演变. 在DEI的框架内,我想 inclusive solutions require creative thought, and to me it’s about letting go of the 事情一直是这样的,思考事情的未来. 我认为 applies to all the work we do, whether it’s in the classroom or outside the classroom, 无论是在校园里,还是在我们走出校园的时候. 
We have to remember that we’re navigating systems and structures and institutions that didn’t historically center equity and inclusion in the work and in the mission, so I think we have to imagine and think of new strategies to move toward inclusion 和归属感. 
我一直在想这件事. 我认为我们需要创造性思维,特别是对于DEI, 也是为了让世界变得更美好.



布伦丹+半圆+ % E2 % 9909的80%
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桌面+游戏+设计+课程+ + + Schupf +家庭+创意实验室
心理学和神经科学教授哈桑·洛佩兹, a game designer with popular titles such as Clockwork Wars and Maniacal to his name, 今年春天在Skidmore开设了桌面游戏设计课程.

苏珊+威廉姆斯+ Barndt + + + +唐说话
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